Sponsorship Information
Learn how your business can become a Swigert Sponsor
The Swigert Parent Teacher Association appreciates your interest in supporting our fundraising efforts through sponsorship. Your donation directly impacts the programs and activities provided to our students and teachers. We offer four levels of sponsorship. Each level is tailored to highlight communication however you see fit, and was devised to provide value to you as a sponsor. Whatever form your sponsorship takes, your donation will help the PTA successfully meet our yearly goals aimed to enrich the education of our children and further relationships between teachers, parents, students and our community each year.
If you have questions, please contact Sponsorship@SwigertPTA.com.
Gold Sponsor - $2,500
(2) company banners displayed in prime positions along Swigert fence for entire school year
Company name and logo featured on ALL school wide weekly correspondence, PTA Website, and Auction Event Marketing
(4) tickets to Swigert Annual Auction
Featured sponsor at Annual Auction; sponsor table, premier logo placement on all marketing and banner displayed at event
Recognition on Friends of Swigert FB Page 2x per year with option to push promotional marketing event for your company
Silver Sponsor-$1,000
(1) company banners displayed in prime positions along Swigert fence for entire school year
Company name and logo featured on ALL school wide weekly correspondence , PTA Website, and Auction Event Marketing
(2) tickets to Swigert Annual Auction
Auction Marketing; logo placement on all marketing and banner displayed at event
Recognition on Friends of Swigert FB page 1x per year with the option to push a promotional marketing event for your company
Friends of Swigert Sponsor - $500
Company name and logo featured on ALL school wide weekly correspondence , PTA Website, and Auction Event Marketing
Recognition on Friends of Swigert FB page 1x per year with the option to push a promotional marketing event for your company
**Swigert PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution through sponsorship may be tax-deductible. All sponsors will be provided with a donation receipt for tax purposes. Please consult with tax professional as individual circumstances may vary.